Notify everyone of the gathering place of assembly. 将集合地点通知大家。
Place the assembly cartridge onto the centre of the assembly fixture. 将装配管放在装配夹具的中心位置。
The place of assembly of high councils in various Italian cities under Roman administration 长老院罗马统治下的意大利各都市的高级委员会的聚会场所
At the place of assembly surrounded by the electrified barbed wire, thousands of silent Jews gathered, their faces stricken. 通电的铁丝网环绕着整个集合场地,那里,数千犹太人蚁聚一起,神情憔悴,默不作声。
Cage Window's Land Riding Place of Needle Roller and M-type Cage Assembly and Determination of Its width 组件M型保持架窗孔引导部位及其宽度的确定
Electronic Product is prone to more lays and more desity, surface-mount technology take place of the traditional electronic assembly technology. 电子产业向微型、密集化方向发展,表面贴装技术取代了传统电子组装技术。